
This website, and, are maintained by Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven. this privacy statement will be explained how Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven handles personal data from website visitors. In this privacy statement will, among other things, be explained which categories of personal data are collected, for what purpose personal data is used and to what categories of recipients personal data is provided. By doing this, Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven meets the conditions of the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG, the general privacy laws).

Information about Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven
Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven is located in Eindhoven and registered with number 17253407 at the Handelsregister of the Kamer van Koophandel (register of the Chamber of Commerce). For questions about the Privacy statement you can reach Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven at phone number 06-28069584. You can also contact us by e-mail: .

Processing personal data
Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven Kinderrijk Meerhoven processes personal data obtained through its website for the following purposes.

-Registering through the website
By registering through the registration form on the website you will be asked for your name, phone number, e-mail address and the reason for registration (guidance through pregnancy check-ups during postpartum period, trying to conceive office hour, fun ultrasound). These data are necessary to contact you. After final registration the data are processed within the medical file and after that deleted from other media within 14 days.

-Google Analytics – cookies
Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven receives information based on your visit to our website. Examples of this are cookies. This informatio is used to get a better picture of our customers and to adjust our services and website to your personal preferences. On the website Google Analytics is used to analyse the functioning of the website and to measure the efficiency of the traffic flows. Google can give this information to third parties if they are obliged by law to do so, or if third parties process information on behalf of Google. Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven does not have any influence on this. Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven has not permitted Google to use the received analytic data for other Google services. The information Google gathers will be anonymized by us as much as possible. Your IP-address will not be given.

-Other websites
On the website of Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven are links to other websites. Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven does not have any influence on the content or privacy of these websites. Read the privacy statement of other websites to know what they do with your (personal) data that is collected through the use of cookies.

For transfer of data an SSL-security system (Secure Socket Layer) is used in connection to a 128/256-Bit-encryption. This technique gives the highest security in terms of privacy. You can see that your data are send encrypted by the symbol of a key or locked lock in the status bar of your browser.

Processors and other third parties
Commissioned by Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven personal data can be processed by so called processors and sub-processors. The processors and sub-processors work under the responsibility of Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven and are not allowed to use personal data for their own purposes. We have a set processing-agreement with these processors and sub-processors so that your privacy is guaranteed. For the website of Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven we have processing-agreements with the webhost and the web designer. Your personal data are not given to other parties, with the exception of those parties described in this privacy statement. Your personal data is given to other parties if we are obliged by law or by court order to do so.

Your privacy rights
Based on the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (after this: “AVG”) you have certain rights. You have the right to ask Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven for insight in (art. 15 AVG) and rectification of (art. 16 AVG) or deletion of (art. 17 AVG) your personal data. You also have the right to ask Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven for limitation of the processing of personal data (art. 18 AVG). Under certain circumstances you also have the right at transferability of data (art. 20 AVG) and the right at objection (art. 21 AVG). On the website of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Authority Personal data) you can find more information about when it is possible to exercise one or more of these rights. If you want to exercise one or more of these rights, you can contact us as described above. Besides described rights, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
The extensive Privacy policy of Midwifery Practice Eindhoven / verloskundige praktijk Kinderrijk Meerhoven can be found here.


This privacy statement can be changed. It is advisable to read this privacy statement regularly. The current version of the privacy statement has been altered on August 1 2021.

Although the translation of this document has been executed with the outmost care as a service to our patients who do not speak Dutch, no rights can be derived from this document due to the chance that some of its meaning was lost in translation. The legally valid document is the Dutch version available on our website.



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