Reachable 24 hours a day via tel: (+31)6 28 06 95 84
Post-delivery period call instructions
This advice is a general advice. I could be that, during consultation hours, we gave you more specific instructions for your personal situation.
Don’t ever hesitate to call us when you need us, when you have questions of when you are insecure about something. You can call us 24 hours a day. You never call in vain.
Important to know
Blood loss
Blood loss is part of the post-delivery period, especially when you get up or turn around in bed. You can also lose clots that can sometimes be as large as a fist. You have to call in case the blood loss is too severe. As in, in case it fills up more than one sanitary napkin in less than half an hour or if you keep losing clots one after the other. Do you have severe belly pains or bloodloss that smells very bad, then contact us.
Other Complaints
If you have complaints like a headache, blurry vision, nausea or vomiting, tight feeling around your head or belly, pain in your upperbelly or between your shoulderblades, then give us a call.
Is you leg swollen, red and painfull? Please let us know.
Temperature of the child
If the temperature is above 37,5 you should, for example, remove the hot water bottle or put on thinner clothes. If, after an hour, the temperature hasn’t decreased, you should call us.
Color of the child
Does your child have a grey skin color or a very fast or moaning respiration? Then contact us immediately.
Are the lips, tongue and inside of your child’s mouth blue/purple? Is your child sweaty, has he got troubles breathing or is he short of breath when crying or drinking? You should let us know immediately.
Nausea of the child
The first 24 hours the child is still allowed to lay on its side (after that a baby should be on its back). In this way, possible vomit can easily get out. You can also hold your baby upright against you whil tapping softly on his back.